Sunday, October 23, 2016

Learning To Be Still

I'm starting to slow down and get fatigued. The nurses say it's too soon, but the doctor seemed to think I knew what I was talking about.  

I went to my Body & Soul exercise class and that evening was so exhausted. The last time I felt that exhausted was when I gave birth to my first child almost forty years ago.!! LOL!! So, I decided to stop exercise classes until I can get back up on my feet again and just stick with small walks and little workouts on my Wii, where I do some balance and yoga stretches. I want to keep active. 

It seems I have heard God telling me a few times this past week, "Be still". So, while my body is slowing down it's activity, I am listening and learning and hearing things from God as He speaks to me. 

Last week I mentioned that I was going to be meeting with a Stephen's minister and I met mine on Tuesday. She is a beautiful spirited lady who prayed with me and listened to me as I poured my heart out to her regarding all the things that a little spot called cancer can change in your life. She is such a blessing to my life and I look forward to meeting with her again. She is a huge support. She helped me to realize that I need to slow down and just take care of myself and that it's okay not to keep up with what I have been doing before my surgery. 

Thursday was my Bible study, but I overslept and wasn't able to make it. I began to realize that my social life is taking a downward spiral. It can be a little lonely sometimes. 

We have people dropping off food from church three days a week, which is a huge help due to the fatigue. It is so nice to see a friendly face, even if it is for just a few moments.

So, I sit and be still and read my books and my Bible and I listen to God and I am learning even more of Who He is. God loves us and wants to have relationship with us and this is the perfect time for me to just sit and be with Him. And, it is then, that I realize that I am not alone. He has told me He is right there with me all along through this whole thing. So, I feel grateful for the opportunity to just be able to sit in my living room and have Him there to be with me, to comfort me, to show me His love. 

If I could see Him sitting over there in that chair, I wouldn't keep reading my books or watching my beloved old black and white movies. I'd be giving Him my undivided attention. And, so, that is what I am learning to do this week - to just visit with Him one on one day after day. It is a rare opportunity in our busy lives to have this time sort of time. I feel bad that I can't keep up with my housework and laundry and other things. But, then, I think here is this awesome opportunity I have just for right now and what a fool I would be to ignore it! 

So who IS God, really? The Bible tells us who He is and the Bible is God's letter to us, as well as our life's manual. The Bible talks about His character that He is just, loving, truthful and holy. The Bible says that God shows compassion, mercy and grace. It says that He judges sin, but that He also is willing to forgive our sins, if we ask Him to do so. 

The Bible talks about God's nature and says that He is One, is a Spirit, but exists as three Persons (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit). The Bible also says He knows everything, exists everywhere and has all power and all authority in heaven and on earth. 

We can see His existence through His work because He created the earth and the sky and planets and stars. And He sustains it all. 

And He sent His Son, Jesus, to earth to die and rise on the third day for our sins so that we could have a relationship with Him.  He wants for all of us to be able to be still and listen to Him and spend time with Him because He loves us. That's all. He just wants to love us. 

So, just for a few moments right now sit and be still and listen for God and see what He might have to share with you. Is He telling you, like He did for me, that He is right there with you for whatever it is you are going through? He says so in the Bible, His letter to you. Have you read it? Have you read all the other things He wants to do for you? Take a few moments to read a little bit and find out.

If you want to know more about a relationship with God, contact me or go to Peace With God to find out more on the subject.  

Until next week....

Psalm 46:10
"Be still, and know that I am God. 
I will be exalted among the nations. 
I will be exalted in the earth!" 

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