If I have to have the whole thing removed, then I have to take thyroid hormones the rest of my life. I dread the thought of taking a pill for the rest of my days. How irritating. But, if he can leave up to half of it, then I won't have to do anything. So, I am praying that he doesn't have to take the whole thing. He also said there might be some hoarseness as a side effect since the thyroid is so close to the voice box. That, also, might be fun to live with. But, hey, it's still a voice. :-)
My week started out fun on Monday when I met a supportive group of ladies for lunch at Cracker Barrel. We always have such a good time together. I left with a nice flower arrangement and a loaf of pumpkin bread. Yummy!
Tuesday was my oldest grandson's twentieth birthday. We had celebrated on Sunday with a nice family dinner and a few gifts. Since he lives in the next town over, I didn't actually get to see him on his birthday, but he said he had a nice day. I can't believe I have a grandchild that old. I don't feel that old!
Also on Tuesday, I met with a mentor to help me with my mentoring. We sat and talked for about an hour at her house. I met her through a church ministry and we found out we live in the same neighborhood, just down the street from each other. She walked me home when we were finished with our visit. I look forward to meeting with her. We're going to be looking at a book called, Mentor: How Along-The-Way Discipleship Will Change Your Life by Chuck Lawless. It looks like it's going to be a good study.
Wednesday I went to see my radiologist, Dr. Chism, where they did a practice run on my treatment. There's a lot of accurate measuring that they need to do and it also helped me see what to expect when I go in for my treatments.
Thursday was my first of sixteen treatments and it was so stressful. It's really not so bad, but I guess it's just the not knowing and doing something for the first time. The techs are very friendly, supportive and helpful. They do everything they can to try to make me relax.
On Friday, for my second treatment, they let my husband come back there with me. Of course, he has to leave the room when they do when they start the machine, but it was comforting just to have someone I know back there with me. And they play music for me. So far I've chosen to listen to Andrea Bocelli and I might continue to chose him. By the time he sings less than two songs, my treatment is over. It's that quick. But, it takes them a few minutes to get me situated just right so that all the measurements add up to the computer and the machine. That takes longer than the treatment!
I had been told that the treatments would make me tired and by the second one, I felt the fatigue. A friend of mine from church brought dinner over to us on Friday and it was such a huge help with the stress and being so tired.
Today, Saturday, a friend of mine from my former MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) group, along with my radiology techs, ran a 5K in the Beyond Boobs run. I wanted to get down there, but was too tired to make it. It was cold when they started running, but I'm sure they warmed up soon.
This week has been stressful and it is very hard not being near my family and especially my children. My husband goes with me to each appointment and helps around the house. And God has been so gracious to give me His assurance and let me know that I am covered by the many, many prayers that are being prayed on my behalf. He lets me know that He is right there with me and when I am in that radiation treatment room, I am not in there by myself. I am so glad I have chosen to have a relationship with God.
If you don't have a relationship with God, you are probably thinking I'm crazy or wondering how in the world can someone have a relationship with a Spirit. God created us in His image, so you have a relationship with Him just like you do any other friend you have. You talk with Him (prayer) and you listen to Him by reading the letter and life manual He left for us, the Bible. As you get to know Him better, you will learn how to hear Him.
Send me an email if you'd like to know more or go to Peace With God to learn more. God loves us all and just wants to be there for us in the good times and in the bad and He will. If you have Him in your life, you will have peace even in the hard times, just like I do. It makes getting through the hard times so much easier.
Therefore you are great, O Lord God. For there is none like you, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears.
I'm so sorry you are having to go through this battle and now a new concern. If you need to speak with a friend who no longer has her thyroid, I'm here. It is not the easiest to deal with but not hopeless either. Praying for you and love reading your blog. It especially helps me to be more specific with my prayers. You know what is the most important thing and the one who is in control! Jesus if the way, the truth and the life and we are so blessed to be under His wing.😊🙌🏻❤️
ReplyDeleteSharron: Thanks so much for your encouragement. And thanks for letting me know about your thyroid experience. I'd like to talk with you about that once I get through this. I understand it's not really too bad, but it's just that all this stuff is coming at me all at once. I try to remember to keep my focus on Jesus. Sometimes I catch myself getting distracted and then I end up anxious and having a hard time dealing with things. So, if you would pray that I keep my perspective and keep my focus on the Lord, I would appreciate that. Thanks so much for being there.